Personally Tailored To Fit Your Needs
Our facials are design to provide a unique pampering and positively memorable experience! High-end products along with the aid of ultra sound, infra red light, galvanic & high frequency currents, rotary brushes and sprays are used to achieve the extraordinary results that could only be obtained through professional skin care treatments.
90 Mins, $80
Microdermabrasion & Complete Facial
An effective treatment for resurfacing the skin to reduce or eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, uneven pigmentation, acne, acne scars, whiteheads, blackheads, to repair dull congested or thickened skin, sallow complexion, course uneven bumpy skin and to minimize large pores. A further benefit of microdermabrasion which means removing dead skin (stratum corneum of the epidermis) is enhanced skin penetration by skin creams and serums by up to 50%. Since human skin typically regenerates at approximately 30 day intervals, optimum results are obtained with repeated treatments at intervals of 21-28 days for a maximum of 4 to 6 treatments. The treatments in combination with sunscreen, sun avoidance, and the recommended skin care creams yield best results.
This skin rejuvenating treatment polishes your skin to a silky finish and stimulates collagen production for smoother, firmer, healthier looking skin after just ONE treatment!
Followed by extractions, massage and two specialized masks, this treatment truly reveals your clearest and brightest complexion ever!
One of our most popular treatments!
90 Mins, $98
*Other body areas that benefit from microdermabrasion include: hands, back, shoulders, upper arms and décolleté (starting at $40)
Diamond Microdermabrasion for your hands combined with a hydrating paraffin dip.
45 Mins, $40
This purifying treatment is targeted specifically for back-breakouts. It includes a deep cleansing, steaming, extractions, exfoliation and a softening masque to reduce redness and leave your skin clear and silky smooth. All that followed by a steaming lavender hot towel and a relaxing massage.
75 Mins, $75
This service may be added to aid in the removal of any deeply rooted black heads as well as for a deeper exfoliation, to decrease the build up of sebum and to improve blood circulation – all to prevent acne build up.
*Add $20
(Prices are subject to change without notice.)